There are a lot of different types of enneagram matches to look for. You can pick from three, four, five, six or seven. Each type has its own unique characteristics that make it stand out.
If you know what these are, then you will have a better chance of choosing the best enneagram matches for you.
Type Three
The Enneagram Type Three has a strong desire to achieve. They are also experts in self-improvement. However, they can also be susceptible to workaholism and unintentional neglect of those around them.
As a result, the best Enneagram type matches for the Three are those who can help them to reach their full potential. A partner who understands their passions, goals and aspirations can make them feel better about themselves.
A partner who can support their career goals can also help to keep them on track. For example, a job in law or journalism could be a dream come true for an Enneagram Type Three.
Type Two
It’s common for people with the Enneagram to pair with one of their own type. For example, if you’re a Two, you may want to find a friend or romantic partner who is a Type Eight. The similarities between the two types can make the relationship very compatible. Nevertheless, the challenges of a double-type relationship can also be a factor.
You can’t always know if someone is your soulmate. Finding a connection with another person takes a lot of work. But, when it’s done, you will be happier in the long run. In addition, you will be able to affect the world in a positive way.
Type Four
There are a number of different types of Enneagrams. Each one has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of them are very compatible with others while others are not. For example, a Type Five will be an excellent match for a Type Six. In contrast, a Type Eight will not be a good match for a Type Three.
Depending on your type, you will be drawn to different relationships. For example, a Type Three may be all about success. On the other hand, a Type Eight will want to express love through strength and protection.
Type Five
Enneagram matches can help you to understand your partner better. Knowing your own type is the first step to finding a match that will make you happy. It will also help you avoid wasting time with a jerk.
Type Five is a curious and intellectually-inclined personality. They are logical and have a strong sense of what is important to them. Their need to understand the world means they are often very independent. But they may also have trouble getting along with others.
Type Six
A great match for the Enneagram type Six is the Six with Seven Wing. The seven-winged Six is more social than other Sixes. They have a more open mind, are able to connect with others, and generally have a more adventurous attitude.
Sixes are often highly aware of social dynamics, and are often very loyal to their friends and family. This can be beneficial in a relationship, since they often seek out a partner who is reliable and who can keep them safe. However, they may also become anxious, and their tendency to overthink can make relationships challenging.
Type Seven
When comparing Enneagram Type 7 and Type 9, you may want to consider how each partner’s strengths and weaknesses complement each other. A good relationship is a result of the two partners learning to trust one another, and the way the two types communicate with each other.
A type 7 and Type 9 partnership can bring joy and balance to the relationship. This pair shares many characteristics, including a positive outlook and fun-loving energy. It can be a great romantic pairing. But you’ll also find some challenges.
Type Eight
The Enneagram community has been busy analyzing the best enneagram matches for type eight. There are a number of potential matches, and each type comes with their own benefits and challenges.
One of the most common matches is between Type Three and Eight. They share similar traits, and the combination is often beneficial. Both types are focused on achievement and excellence. However, while they are driven and ambitious, they also have a nurturing side.
Another pair to watch out for is between Type Three and Nine. These two are often seen as leaders and have a reputation for making a difference. Despite their success, they are sensitive and can find it difficult to open up.
Type Nine
It is important to know if you are compatible with a person who is an Enneagram Type Nine. They tend to be very social and easygoing, and can be a good fit for most people.
One of their biggest weaknesses is complacency. They often let others take care of them, so that they can focus on making other people happy. However, they do have a strong drive to succeed, and need a partner who will support them in this.