It should come as no surprise that many people around the world love partaking in casual sex with mobile chat strangers. Sex is an extremely pleasurable thing after all, and when you find another person that wants to have some fun, you may be tempted to take them up on it.

What People Love And Hate About Casual Sex
What People Love And Hate About Casual Sex

Each person in the world has a different set of morals and different ideas on what casual sex is and how often it should be utilized.

One of the things that people love about this sex is that it feels good and that there are no expectations afterward. Sure, one person or the other might expect a little bit of cuddling after, but as long as it is communicated well in advance and both people know what they’re getting into, it is extremely flexible.

One of the things that people do not like about casual sex is that sometimes it does not always end up being casual. Communicating well, before the sex happens, can help make it so you and the other person are on the same page. Even so, for people that have sex casually for a more extended period, emotions may start to take hold. For this reason, some people like to spread their casual sex time around with multiple people.

Another thing that people love about casual sex is that it can be extremely convenient. If you have someone that is a booty call or casual sex friend, it may be a lot easier to call them up and say “hey let’s do this.” With multiple people available, your likelihood that another person will be both in the mood and available is a lot higher.

Some people do not like casual sex because of the risk of STDs and STIs that can come from this type of sex. There is a whole separate blog post coming up with more information about how this is considered by many professionals to be a misconception. Either way, it is a concern that people have, and without knowing the history of the people you are sleeping with there is some risk.

Enter phone sex chat hotlines. Phonesex talk chat lines allow people to take all of the positives of casual sex and eliminate or lessen the risk of the negatives. Because no bodily fluids are exchanged, the risk for STD’s and STIs is minimal. Also, the phone sex numbers and the people you chat with are anonymous, so you do not have to worry about falling in love with the person you are talking to. For casual sex without the risk, phone sex is number one.